Official BOLDERBoulder Medals & Awards

Not all heroes wear capes. There are several ways that all of our participants can be winners in a big way. After all, this is more than a race – it’s a celebration! We look forward to celebrating your victory. 

Everyone who finishes, (21+ of course) is rewarded with an ice cold beer from Avery Brewing Co! 

Age Champions

We go beyond traditional age groups and award the top 15 runners of each age (starting at age 6) a medal. Plus the winner of each age gets our official Age Champs shirt.


Sub 40 Club

Joining the BOLDERBoulder Sub 40 Club is no joke! Cross the finish line under 40:00 minutes  (that’s a speedy 6:26 per mile pace) and gain bragging rights as well as this exclusive commemorative Sub 40 Club shirt at the finish.


Beat Your Age

Anyone whose 10K time is faster than their age (e.g. a 45-year-old that runs 44:59 or faster) receives an Ageless Wonder shirt. Visit the tent at the Race Day Expo after the race to get yours!



All BOLDERBoulder participants 14 and under are automatically members of the BOLD SQUAD, and upon completing the BOLDERBoulder will receive a medal at Race Day Expo! Learn more.



The following men and women are part of an elite group. They have participated in every race since it began in 1979, making them BOLDERBoulder’s BOLDEST. We honor and recognize this great commitment that truly makes the event what it is today.



Lorrie Allen, 74, Boulder

Beverly Buchler, 75, Boulder

Cricket Counce, 72, Lakewood

Susan High, 74, Denver

Stephanie McKay, 74, Longmont

Molly Melamed, 74, Boulder

Rachella Seeley, 71, Denver


Todd Apple, 55, Louisville

Darius Baer, 71, Superior

Theodore Bosley, 50, Phoenix, Az.

Edwin Braun, 84, Tucson, Az.

John Byrd, 87, Loveland

Tony Chirikos, 73, Boulder

Craig Christopher, 72, Boulder

Drew Clark, 76, Erie

David Dezen, 69, Denver



John Dresser, 71, Englewood

William Eitzen, 77, Boulder

Bill Enright, 68, Broomfield

Greg Fickbohm, 74, Louisville

Richard Fronczak, 84, Boulder

Chuck Gower, 77, Boulder

Kelly Grogan, 66, Centennial

Steve Harris, 61, Lakewood

Gary Heerdt, 73, Boulder

Jim Helgoth, 68, Boulder

Dwight Henry, 70, Boulder

Raymond Hogler, 79, Fort Collins

Brian Johnson, 73, Boulder

Roger Kampman, 61, Arvada

Dan Madden, 76, Erie

Leonard Martinez, 75, Longmont

David Mathews, 72, Boulder

Gary McClelland, 75, Boulder

Kent Mitchell, 81, Erie

Rick Morgan, 77, Broomfield

Ed Naimon, 79, Boulder

Stan Nicholas, 80, Longmont

Jerry Palmer, 76, Boulder

Bill Plummer, 77, Lakewood

Richard Pozzi, 75, Boulder

Murray Richtel, 82, Boulder

Bill Schafer, 71, Marietta, Ga.

Michael Seeley, 72, Denver

Chuck Smith, 70, Boulder

William Soderborg, 80, Broomfield

Ed Steinbrecher, 87, Evergreen

William Tecklenburg, 71, Broomfield

John Tope, 73, Denver

John Valendo, 71, Golden

Robert Wigington, 72, Boulder